Come Join CDC Enrichment! Solana Beach CDC's after-school Enrichment Program gives your child the opportunity to learn a new skill, develop a new talent, and discover a new interest. **Class cancelations are subject to a $15.00 processing fee**
Welcome to the Solana Beach Child Development Center. The Solana Beach Child Development Center operates under the authority of the Solana Beach School District Board of Trustees.
Come Join the Fun this summer! Meet new friends and have a fun summer learning and exploring!
Academic Clubs are open to 4th-6th graders in the Solana Beach School District at Skyline, Solana Pacific, Solana Ranch, and Solana Santa Fe.
The Solana Beach School District Band is open to all fourth through sixth graders in the Solana Beach School District.
The Summer Academy is a program extended by invitation only to select Solana Beach School District students.
Adding a family member or relationship to your Eleyo account allows you to set them as emergency contact, or as an authorized pickup.
Emergency contacts are persons listed on file to contact in case of an emergency. This contact information applies to all district courses and care. Authorized pickups in Eleyo are persons that are able to pick a child up from child care.
Each of these options are different but both can be added to the same relationship.
By default, emergency contacts are not listed as authorized pickups in the Eleyo Child Care Attendance app and can not sign children out through the kiosk. They need to be added as an authorized pickup before sites can release the child to them.
Emergency Contacts for a child may be added or updated during the Child Care registration process for a new Season (School Year or Summer). If you need to update Emergency Contacts for a child before or after completing a registration, use these steps:
If you have already created the family member/relationship in Eleyo, clickAdd Emergency Contact and select them from the list that is presented or clickChoose.
If you have not created the family member/relationship, clickCreate New Emergency Contact. Complete all required fields and clickCreate Emergency Contact.
NOTE: Emergency contacts must be added for each child separately.
You can use the Edit pencil icon to update an existing contact person or use the red Remove icon to delete a contact person.
In Eleyo, any user account listed as a parent of the child will automatically be listed as an authorized pickup. To add additional family members/relationships as an authorized pickup for your child in Eleyo, use these steps:
If you have already created the family member/relationship in Eleyo, click the "Person" drop-down and select them from the list that is presented. Enter or update the person's phone number, then click Save Authorized Pickups.
If you have not created the family member/relationship, click the "Person" drop-down and select Other. Enter the person's name, phone number, and optionally add a note to describe the person (such as uncle, grandparent, or friend), then click Save Authorized Pickups.
NOTE: Authorized pickups must be added for each child separately.
You can remove an authorized person at any time by clicking the red Remove icon and clicking Save Authorized Pickups.
Note: You can filter the courses that are displayed by: Time, Days, Start Date, Category, Age/Grade, Location, and Catalogue.If there are multiple price options, select your pricing option for the course.
After enrolling in a course, you will be sent a confirmation email with further details about your course enrollment.
Setting up your Account Profile
This quick reference will walk you through setting up your new Account Profile. We encourage you to add all household members and emergency contacts for your children (if applicable) in anticipation of future registrations within the Eleyo system.
Select the Sign In button in the upper-right of the screen. The Eleyo Sign In Screen is displayed.
3. In the lower-right, click Create one now. The Register a New Account page is displayed.
Note: This registration page is for your personal information. You will be able to enter your child or family member after you finish setting up your account. Required fields: All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. 4. In "Account Info", enter your email address and password. 5. In "Your Info", enter your first and last name. 6. Optionally, complete the "Helpful Info" section. 7. In "Contact Info", complete all required fields. 8. Click Create Account to complete your registration. Your account profile is displayed.
From your account profile you can click Add a Relationship to add a child or family member. When adding a grade for a Pre-K student, select Kindergarten and the year your child will be entering Kindergarten (you may edit this later if needed).
Select the Create Person button. Use the Emergency Contacts button to add emergency contacts for children to your profile. To prevent creating duplicate users in the system, select from the list of existing users as you type when adding an Emergency Contact already attached to your profile. Use the Copy Emergency Contacts to copy contacts from child to child.
✓After setting up your profile, select Explore All Programs, then Your Dashboard. This will populate your contact information within the system.
Parents should keep the following student information updated:
If parents have an existing Eleyo account for their student(s), it is up to them to keep the following information on their student updated:
Please use the Forgot Password button to reset your password
If you have paid for child care or preschool over the course of the previous year, Eleyo automatically generates tax statements for each program you have enrolled in. These statements can be downloaded from your account dashboard and will become available after January 1st of each year.
Note: The available tax statements include any payments for child care services. If you have enrolled in courses enrichment you will need to print the receipts to submit for your taxes.
To download your child care tax statements:
1. Navigate to your program's Eleyo site and click Sign In.The Sign In page is displayed.2. Sign into your account.Your Dashboard is displayed.3. Under "Your Accounts" select the desired Child Care Account.
The child care contract page is displayed.4. Under "Account Management", click Download Tax Information.The Tax Statements screen is displayed.5. Select the statement of the year you would like to view.The PDF is downloaded to your computer.
Note: If you have multiple child care accounts, you must complete the steps above for each account.
All payments on the tax statements are categorized by the payer.
Receipts and invoices can be downloaded from the "Your History" section online. Receipts are only visible to the person that made the specific payment (not by all account owners).
If your student attends Solana Vista, Skyline, or Solana Santa Fe, please choose Skyline.
If your student attends Carmel Creek, Solana Ranch, or Solana Highlands, please choose Solana Highlands.
We understand that summer vacations may be planned to take place during the Summer Academy time frame, however, attendance is mandatory for the 20 days of instruction. If your student cannot attend all 20 days, we ask that you please decline the invitation so that the opportunity may be offered to another student.
Summer Academy is designed to give an extra boost to students' academic skills. During our Summer Academy classes, teachers will:
While the days will consist of standards-based learning, classes are smaller than during the school year, the atmosphere is lighthearted, and students are engaged throughout the day in hands-on, project-based activities
Our Summer Academy classes are quite often centered around an engaging theme and each teacher brings their individual passions and flair to the summer class during the planning process and throughout the summer.
The invitation code can be found on the second page of the invitation letter provided by your students classroom teacher
Anyone picking up or dropping off a student during summer program hours must go to the main office of the summer school site and fill out the “Sign In/Out ” binder at the front desk. They must be authorized, present a current picture I.D., and be listed on the student's emergency card. You may add/update emergency contacts in your Elyeo account.
Confirmation letters are generated at the time of registration. Please check the email you used to create your account and register your student. A second confirmation will be sent electronically two days prior to classes starting. The second confirmation will contain teacher name and classroom number.
Solana Beach School District Childcare Information
The Solana Beach Child Development Center (CDC) will offer after-care for students attending Summer Programs for a separate fee. Care will be available at Carmel Creek and Skyline from noon until 4:30 p.m.
Registration Information The CDC Summer Program is designed for children entering K-7. Each child attending the summer program must be registered with CDC. Registration is done online.
Fees For fee information please contact CDC at (858) 794-7160
Childcare Questions For information regarding the Child Development Center, call (858) 794-7160, or visit our website at
Lunch is NOT provided at either school site. Please send a snack with your student each day.
Student Dates: June 10, 2024 - July 9, 2024
Student Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
For additional information call 858-794-7138. After programs begin, please call the school sites.
Please call the summer school site that your child is attending to report that your child will be absent. Please do not report your child's absence to the district office. There will be no credit or refunds for missed days of class.
Solana Highlands - John Galipault
Mr. Galipault is currently the Assistant Principal for Carmel Creek. He has been an Assistant Principal for the past three years, supporting staff in their instruction and support of student learning, and spent thirteen years as a science teacher, opening young minds to inquiry.
Mr. Galipault is excited to join the summer school programs as Principal at Solana Highlands and looks forward to enhancing the learning opportunities for every child.
Skyline - Tiffany Farnsworth
Ms. Farnsworth is the Assistant Principal at Solana Ranch Elementary. I am delighted to be the Summer Program Principal at Skyline School! I have taught in the Solana Beach School District since 2004. Summer is a wonderful time to deepen learning, prepare for the next school year, and have fun!
We have a dynamic team of certificated teachers on board for this summer. Some are current SBSD teachers along with a handful from other districts who like to work with us over the summer
There are a limited number of scholarships available for enrichment classes. Scholarships are ONLY available to current SBSD students and their siblings. Applications will be accepted beginning April 3, 2023.
To be eligible for scholarships, students must meet the following criteria:
To apply for a scholarship:
Submit completed applications to the district office at:
309 N. Rios Ave
Solana Beach, CA 92075
Attention Evonne Cordova, Instructional Services
Cancellation Policy - Solana Beach School District reserves the right to cancel classes due to low enrollment. If it is necessary to cancel a class a full refund is guaranteed. We would also like to invite you to choose another "open" class.
Refund Policy & Procedure - Parents should contact Evonne Cordova at the district office to discuss any cancelations or class switches. Please email the refund request to prior to the first day of school or call 858-794-7138.
Please plan carefully! The district reserves the right to make class changes to better balance out the classroom setting. The district will contact parents if class switches need to be made or if a class is made into a combo class. Should a parent wish to make a class switch please send an email to or call 858-794-7138 and speak with Evonne Cordova.
The fee per course is $500 (Some courses may have an extra supplies fee. Please see class descriptions for details)
Yes. When a class fills up, registrants will automatically be added to the waitlist. There is no cost to add a student to a waitlist. When a spot opens, students will be moved into the class, and a second confirmation email will be generated along with an invoice. All courses must be paid for in full before the first day of Summer Enrichment. Any student with a balance due will be dropped from the course.
Please let us know if your summer plans change and you no longer wish to be on the waitlist or in the class.
Every effort will be made to place your child with students from the school they will attend in the fall. We like to help students make friends in the summer so there are familiar faces when they start school. This program is open to students from ALL districts, and registration fills up quickly. Students must be five years old by September 1, 2023. Please include the school your child will attend on the online registration. The 2023-2024 classroom placements are not made until after Summer Enrichment concludes and school sites open in August.
We understand that summer vacations may take place at the same time as the Summer Enrichment program. You are free to have your child attend for less than the full five week program, however, we do not prorate our classes and no discounts will be given for days or weeks missed.
Online registration will open on March 18, 2024
Summer Enrichment courses are open to students from all districts. Confirmation notices will be emailed upon completion of student registration. Please keep a copy of the confirmation for your records. A reminder confirmation containing the teacher's name and classroom number will be emailed a few days before classes start.
Feel free to contact us with what's on your mind.